Our primary goal at Sign2Me is to facilitate communication, whether it be between children and parents, caregivers, medical professionals, childcare professionals, or even other children. We understand that communication never ceases and, as a result, have provided the resources below to help encourage and enhance the learning process.
Spotlight Newsletter
Educational information, links, tips and stories. This free newsletter includes many useful tools to help you. Sign up now and receive 3 FREE gifts to help you start signing today!
A variety of streaming videos that you can watch to get a better picture of our program, products, and the concept of using ASL (American Sign Language) signs starting with nearly all preverbal infants.
ABC Phonics: Sing, Sign, and Read! Video Tutorials
Children love to learn, sing, and move to music. ABC Phonics: Sing, Sign, and Read!, from author and early childhood educator, Nellie Edge and Sign2Me® Early Learning, taps into the power of these multi-sensory experiences to engage young children as they learn their ABC's. They’ll develop strong beginning reading skills and explore language while having fun! Music, ASL signs, phonics skills, and online instructional videos are blended together into a powerful learning package.
This collection of tools will excite and engage children and help them maximize their learning potential! The book features original watercolor illustrations by artist, Gaelan Kelly, and photographs of children from around the world demonstrating true ASL signs.A strong foundation in early literacy is critical to every child’s long-term development. An essential building block for that foundation is now in your hands with ABC Phonics: Sing, Sign, and Read!