

Welcome to the new and completely redesigned Instructors' Network members area!


We have made some improvements to better serve the needs of the Sign2Me Instructors' Network and help you better market your classes and presentations. You will find some familiar features, such as the Instructors' Documents and Instructors' Forum but you will also find some improved features. You will now be able to more easily customize your Instructors' Public Web page without the need of coding. You can also easily include photos and YouTube videos from your signing classes and presentations. Our new social network buttons will help you share your schedule updates and class announcements to your favorite social network such as Facebook, Google+, Linked In and Twitter to drive interest and business to your Public Web page. 


We continue to try to improve the online experience for our Instructors' Network and appreciate the proactive feedback of our members. If you have any feedback for our development team please index.php?option=com_chronoforms&view=form&Itemid=127contact us.


The use of the the Certified Sign2Me Instructors' Network, Level 2 Members-Only Area is reserved for approved Instructors only. Through the professional experience and practical wisdom shared by the Sign2Me staff and the diverse members of this community, you can find the solutions and support you need to handle almost any issue in your life as a Sign2Me Certified Instructor.


We welcome you to our community! 

