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****Connecting Us Through Sign Language****



Using Sign Language empowers preverbal infants with a very special opportunity to share their wants, needs, and thoughts clearly, without frustration. Imagine the peace you will feel, knowing exactly what your infant is thinking! Signing with your infant has proven to:

- Reduce frustration for your infant - and you! Allowing your infant to speak through Sign Language, you will know exactly what it is your infant wants and when. Imagine not having toguessif your infant is hungry or hurting.

- Give you a window into your infant's mind and personality. The more you learn about your infant, the stronger and deeper your bond will become.

- Enhance your infant's early language development. Studies conducted by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development show that signing infants understand more words, have larger vocabularies, and engage in more sophisticated play than non-signing infants. By giving your infant the skills needed to communicatenow, you will be giving your child the best opportunity to improve early language development.

- Increase your infant's I.Q.. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development studies also showed that 100% of children 7 - 8 years of age who used "symbolic hand gestures" for early communication as infants had an I.Q. rate that was 12 points higher than infants who did not use "symbolic hand gestures." While the study, at that time, was not done specifically using American Sign Language (ASL), it is very convincing that these findings may also ring true to those infants using ASL.

All these things and more are possible when you enroll in a  workshop, in-home instruction or lesson. It is our goal that with practice and repetition, your infant will be able to communicate with you through Sign Language well before they can communicate with you verbally.

Our services are based on the SIGNwith yourBABY program by Joseph Garcia, using ASL, and are designed for parents, parents-to-be, caregivers, and professionals throughout the Seattle area.


Instructor Profile:

Tell us your story here.



List your events here

List your workshops here


In-home Instruction
List your training info here.


Sing and Sign Lessons
Describe your services here.


Please see our website for dates, times and logistics.


Registration and More Information

If you would like to register for any of the above programs, please e-mail with information about yourself and which program you are interested in. We will contact you back within 72 hours.

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NOTE: All of the individuals and/or organizations listed herein operate independently of and are not directly affiliated with Sign2Me®/Northlight Communications. The above information is provided solely as a service to parents and caregivers seeking signing resources in their community. None of these programs have been reviewed, approved, or endorsed in any way by Sign2Me® and we take no responsibility for the quality, format, or content provided.